After clearing the German Polyclinic on St. Marks which ended with the building being rented for 1 Million per year, the next project was a building in Chinatown. I placed a chembuster on the roof of this 18 story building, on June 2nd. The building was formerly a sweatshop and has been vacant for over 12 years. The owner was attempting to sell it for an outrageous figure of over 40 million dollars. My friend Nick had an opportunity to by the building 10 years ago for 12 million, but had the deal fell through as the financing collapsed.
Three days after placing the Chembuster on the roof, the owner proclaimed that he now loved the building and that he was going to renovate it, himself and develop it into a hotel. He actually started to clean up the building the next day and had the elevator fixed. Nick who had the exclusive on the building was a little pissed at first since he was again cut out of a potential commission but later got it when he understood that the Orgone technology does actually work.
To make money for Nick’s Real Estate company I decided we needed to clear Nick’s office in Soho. I gave him a couple of cones and a pyramid to start. Steve who works at Nick’s company has three cones sitting on his desk. He got a commission on an apartment rental three days after placing the cones on his desk. Steve has been in a dry spell for a few months focusing more on his web design company rather than real estate sales and rentals. Nick called me up two days later to come over and cook steaks because he just bought 10 lbs of Filet mignon for $50 off a guy on the street that works in the meat-packing district.
We bought a throw-away barbeque and cooks the steaks right out in front of the Real Estate office. A three man band was walking through Soho playing on the street, we invited them over and they ended up playing for about an hour, while a whole crowd was congregating wondering what was going on. We ended up having a party for about 4 hours until we cooked the whole ten pounds of beef between the six guys from the office. I went home and started making a chembuster to put on the top of Nick’s roof. Last night I finished it and dropped it off at his office. It should go up by tomorrow at the latest. One of the ideas I had a few years was to have Chembuster’s on rooftops all over Manhattan.German PolyClinic St. Marks