The Bite Block is also known as the Starecta device. The function of the bite block is to raise the height of the back teeth to correctly balance the head on the spine. The head balances itself with three points of contact, the cervical vertebrae, C1 and C2 specifically, but also the back molars to form a pyramidal point of stability. Teeth grinding creates a collapses point of contact for the back molars leading to a collapsed head position that is compensated by tightening of the connective tissue and muscular system to give the head an artificial stability point. The Starecta device gives the jaw a true stability point by increasing the height of the back teeth to the correct position. All forms of symmetry miracles come into play as the teeth are increased in height and true stability is returned to the head and jaw.
The Bite block incrementally increases the height of the appliance made for the lower jaw by adding an acrylic to create a new bite position every two weeks. The magic is the release of connective tissue tension and muscle that occurs with this method. All forms of spinal asymmetries can be corrected with the bite block such as scoliosis and kyphosis. This occurs gradually over a period of a year or so, depending on the severity of the spinal deformity. Facial asymmetries are also corrected as well. Dental expansion of the lower jaw and upper palate can be speeded up to 3x as fast when the head position is put in the right relationship with the skull. The resistances with dental expansion of the palate and the lower jaw were a function of the head not being on the proper plane of force. The correct sequence is to raise the height of the back teeth and then to do expansion of the jaw and palate. With the bite block expansion can be done concurrently after a month of the bite block.
My results after 4 months using the Starecta/bite block have been remarkable. My foot size has jumped from 11 to 12.5. Apparently when the jaw changes shape the feet are affected as well being the stability point for the whole body. It took me a month to recognize the connection as I was starting to get headaches from the starecta device. When I got bigger shoes the headaches went away. I have upgraded new shoes three times over the last 4 months! There has been an incredible purging of emotional and mental trauma as the head position is corrected. There has been an massive increase in physical strength that has also occurred right after the 3 month period. My gym workouts have been record breaking every session over the last month. After 3 months on the bite block, you will start to look younger simply because the symmetry in the body is being corrected. The trauma is literally coming out of the structure. This was a process that was started with NCR, face pulling and palate expansion; but has massively accelerated with the Bite block. The bite block will become the foundation of physical medicine.
If you want perfect 3D symmetry the bite block is a must. It you want to restore your structure completely than coming with NCR, face pulling and expansion if you have had teeth pulled is a must. If you are interested in the bite block, feel free to contact me.
Correcting structure removes trauma and all the symptoms that are associated with the trauma in the first place. Emotional, mental and physical health is a function of perfect structure. We have been treating symptoms and not cause. Main cause of Aging is degradation of structure, fix the structure and by definition you are on the road to age reversal. It is not the complete answer, but a huge one with immediate practical results that will cause an improvement in every area of your life.

Kevin The place for solutions to the Aging process.