Orgone Chembusters

Wilhelm Reich’s Cloudbusting Experiment


Reich with one of his cloudbusters, which he said could manipulate streams of orgone to produce rain.

Reich posited a conjugate, life-annulling energy in opposition to orgone, which he dubbed Deadly Orgone or DOR. He wrote that accumulations of DOR played a role in desertification, and he designed a “cloudbuster” with which he said he could manipulate streams of orgone energy in the atmosphere to induce rain by forcing clouds to form and disperse. It was a set of hollow metal pipes and cables inserted into water, which Reich argued created a stronger orgone energy field than was in the atmosphere, the water drawing the atmospheric orgone through the pipes.[20]

Reich conducted dozens of experiments with the cloudbuster[citation needed], calling the research “Cosmic Orgone Engineering.” In 1953, a drought threatened Maine’s blueberry crop, and several farmers offered to pay Reich if he could make it rain. The weather bureau had reportedly forecast no rain for several days when Reich began the experiment on at 10 a.m. on July 6, 1953. The Bangor Daily News reported on July 24:

Dr. Reich and three assistants set up their “rain-making” device off the shore of Grand Lake, near the Bangor hydro-electric dam … The device, a set of hollow tubes, suspended over a small cylinder, connected by a cable, conducted a “drawing” operation for about an hour and ten minutes …

According to a reliable source in Ellsworth the following climactic changes took place in that city on the night of July 6 and the early morning of July 7: “Rain began to fall shortly after ten o’clock Monday evening, first as a drizzle and then by midnight as a gentle, steady rain. Rain continued throughout the night, and a rainfall of 0.24 inches was recorded in Ellsworth the following morning.”

A puzzled witness to the “rain-making” process said: “The queerest looking clouds you ever saw began to form soon after they got the thing rolling.” And later the same witness said the scientists were able to change the course of the wind by manipulation of the device.[50]

The blueberry crop survived, the farmers declared themselves satisfied, and Reich received his fee.

My experience is that Orgone Cloudbusters are also great for clearing the weather for World Series games…. They are excellent at removing those Haarp generated clouds.

An Examination of Chemtrails by PhD

I have witnessed hundreds of applications of Orgone dispersing chemtrails. Chemtrails are those flat ugly clouds that may you feel a bit blue, they are seeded by airplanes with a concontion of Aluminum and barium used to create a shield for the Haarp project to bounce microwaves off the ionosphere.

Orgone Chembusters are a simple tool to negate the Haarp project and reduce the number of respiratory illnesses in your area. If you want to give back to the planet and the people a cloudbuster is a great way to start.

Orgone and The End of the Mayan Calendar 2012

What is Orgone? Life-force energy according to Wilhelm Reich. Essentially Life-force energy is derived from the concept of Super Imposition, that is the merging of two energy streams to create a third force. On a human level we call in Sex, on a Cosmic level we call it Super Imposition. Super imposition in Nature in the extreme would be a tornado, Hurricane or cyclone. Men are electric and Women are magnetic. When we come together it is an electro-magnetic storm. We open up the portal to the fifth dimension and birth new life.
Conception is a massive energy implosion. We are at our strongest at the moment of conception. The Chinese call this pre-natal Chi. This is our energy bank account that we are born with, it varies from individual to individual based on the astrological conditions of our conception, the strength of the genetic code of the breeding partners and the actual intensity of the experience in which the conception occurred. Contrary to the political correct environment that we live in, good breeding is a function of our genes. There are of course variables, but our memories and our abilities are found in our genetic code. What is DNA, it is an electro-magnetic coil with capacitance. It can store energy as a battery as well as act as a wire or filament. DNA functions similar to computers, it has programs that need commands to run on as well as passwords. It can be infected with worms and viruses.
How does Orgone effect DNA? Orgone consists of Metal and resin/plant matter with the updated version of Orgone containing Quartz/Silica. Metal comes from the Telluric realm, or the second dimension; it belongs in the ground. There are entities attached to every mineral, plant or substance that is generated by Mother Earth. Making Orgone puts these entities back in their proper place, there energy is now harnessed for positive outcomes. Metal out of the ground breeds wild and chaotic energies that cause havoc and destruction in the emotional nature of Man. By supplying a consistent stream of Life force energy to human biology, DNA can actually utilize as an energy source.
We age and die primarily because we lack energy. Our DNA is designed to run as a Ferrari or a Jet engine, not as a Scooter. Junk DNA is High Energy programs that cannot run in Low energy environments. Malfunctions within the genetic code are ultimately the result of lack of power. We get that power from two places, Heaven and Earth. The Earth’s core consists of Iron, it is magnetic. The Sun is electric. The Earth is cold relative to the Sun. The Earth draws the Suns rays through magnetism. The interplay and exchange between the Sun and the Earth is an electro-magnetic event. The garden of Eden had more gravity not less. Gravity feeds the DNA with Energy and information, data. Death is a function of a lack of light and love.
The Mayan Calendar talks about an Time acceleration taking place at the end of the Mayan calendar on Dec. 21st, 2012. This time acceleration is massive, it is like going from 0-Mach 40 in ten seconds. The last 15 seconds of the time line is equal to all the knowledge accumulated over the last 10,000 years, it is in-conceivable to our little tiny brains at this time. photons are a type of energy that does not have a charge, they are like Switzerland neutral. Photons cause integration or unity of conciousness, duality is being fused into a singularity. This is a function of an information overload, knowledge is energy, massive knowledge leads to an implosion of love. Enlightenment, is the ability to make sense of the data, to go from linear to non-linear consciousness. Christ and the Buddha were non-linear beings. Non-linear beings are immortal, they are self-sustaining energy systems, like the sun, they operate on the principle of fusion rather the fission.
Orgone taps into 5th dimensional conciousness, it creates a vent or bridge from 3D to 5D. When Orgone clears out Chemtrails, it does so by drawing in 5th Dimensional Conciousness. Chemtrails main prupose is to block access to higher dimensional communication. The Haarp project jams human conciousness at 400-450MHZ attempting to block access, that is why Chemtrails contain Aluminum and Barium.Aluminum according to Wilhelm Reich creates DOR or Negative life-force energy, it draws down the astral plane and raises up the demons contained in the 2D telluric realm. The best antidote to DOR and the HAARP project is the Orgone Chembuster.