I have been doing the experimental appliance for one month now to pull the palate forward to correct a collapsed maxilla and retracted upper palate from wisdom teeth extractions. The changes continue, my maxilla is moving forward to the point that I no longer have dark circles under my eyes. The cheekbones are coming forward and my forehead is expanding a bit as well. The connective tissue moves in spiral patterns so it is not to see other parts of the face and head adjust in addition to the palate. After 6 years of regular NCR treatments, my connective tissue is very dynamic and responsive to applied light force. I wear the experimental appliance about 40 mins twice a day, once a day is more than enough to get the change that is needed, but I am a bit of an extremist and like to push the envelope.
While I wear the appliance, I go through three stages an initial resistance by the body, followed by a release and relaxation of the connective tissue. I get an endorphin rush and enjoy the treatment period as it puts me in a euphoric state. When I have reached the limit of the treatment period, I start to get a bit agitated and perhaps get a slight headache. This does not happen as much as it did in the beginning.
From a structural point of view, my face is taking on a 3 dimensional look as my features begin to balance out, I have an under-developed left side of the face. Most people are Asymetrical when you examine closely. The degree that we are closer to balance features the greater the perceived beauty.
Beauty is a function of great symmetry, it can be greatly enhanced with palate expansion work and NCR with Plato Rosinke. The change in the palate has also unwound my spine more, I am an extra 1/4 inch taller. I have released to date 2 3/4 inches from both NCR and now the palate expansion treatments. My shoulders have come back a bit more and my chest is getting wider. I am gaining muscle mass as expected and my body type is beginning to change. My personality is getting more aggressive in both in dealing with Men and Women. I feel much more confident because the geometries of my face and body and moving towards the ideals of the golden mean.
Women are responding to the changes as well as I am getting more looks from them on the streets as well as being approached by several women over the last few weeks. The problem with implants are that it does not change the nervous system functioning of the body. You still feel the same on the inside. With Palate expansion, your nervous system is generating different sets of impulses. Your endocrine system is also expressing different hormones. Your scent will change as a function of true symmetry change. This does not happen with cosmetic surgery, I am transgressing here a bit.
I was walking all over Manhattan with my friend Plato on Saturday and was noticing I was not getting tired, my body seemed like it was walking on one of those moving pathways at the airports. In yoga, they often talk about maintaining an upright posture; this can only truly be done, when the skeletal system is in alignment. If you have had teeth extractions and especially wisdom teeth extractions, you will never be able to create perfect posture; it will be forced and not effect the changes that are necessary to have a properly functioning nervous system. If you are interested in any of these procedures, feel free to contact me. It is the only path to true happiness, everything else is an illusion. orgoneproducts1@gmail.com

AscensionEnergyprogram– Enhanced Energy technologies for Age Reversal and improved Athletic performance.