Orgone Chips
Save up to 45% on your monthly Electric Bills with Orgone
Orgone Chips- My first engineer discovered the application when he applied Orgone to his electric meter and electric panel and netted about 25% savings per month. Later, I created the Orgone chips to expand the application to all electrical appliances, AC’s, refrigerators, Computers. Wifi routers, TV’s etc. Orgone works by conserving power thru Negative entropy and coherence, less power is drawn from the circuit as more power reaches the appliance and is utilized.Orgone provides the added benefit of reducing harmful emissions from 4G and 5G networks, creating a peaceful environment within the home or the workplace.

We have a few recent testimonials for 2023, Edward an electrician in Maryland applied 70 Orgone chips to a 2000 Sq foot home, his electric bills dropped from A baseline of $250 per month to $137 in the first month and $131 in the 2nd month, The first month was a drop of 45% and the second month was a drop of 47.6%.Gus K. in the Bronx reported a drop from $295 Electric Bill to $195 33.9% in the first month, the 2nd month, his bill dropped to $183, a 38% reduction with approximately 100 chips for his 2200 sq foot home.

Instructions and Maintenance:
We apply the Orgone Chips with double stick tape around the home to grid the space to create the maximum effects for power reduction and a peaceful environment. The only maintenance required is to wipe the chips off with a wet cloth once per month
