Orgone Nexus Zapper
Development of Nexus
The Orgone Nexus Zapper is not a homemade device or a mass-produced item from China; what we are dealing with is a custom-made esoteric piece of electronic wizardry. The amount of time in development, (3 years) and attention to detail in the development of the Orgone Nexus Zapper rivals that of any electronic or radionic device on the market currently. The name Nexus is from one of the Star Trek Movies where there is a rift in the time-space continuum and multiple realities begin to interact with each other. The main point is that our lives are ultimately controlled by unseen forces from other dimensions. The term Nexus reflects that this piece of tech is designed to uncouple us from the Negative unseen forces that bind us here on Earth.
After years in the alternative health field, I now see that health is as much a mental and emotional construct as anything physical. The next frontier is applied energy, to correct deep systemic distortions within the DNA strand which I no longer view as simply a physical phenomena. The unseen energetic influences have a greater part to play in the correction of the DNA pattern in conjunction with physical solutions such as a supplementation and structural corrective therapies. I saw great room for improvement over the current Orgone Zapper model.
Upgrades to Zapper Technology
What are the differences between the Orgone Zapper and the Nexus Zapper?
The insertion of a tuner, and subsequent change of the frequency to 7.3hz from 15hz based on the true fundamental of the Schumann resonance. The Schumann rate is an assortment of ringing waves with 7.3Hz being the sweet spot as intuited by Dave. The wave shape was also corrected according to engineering specs. The Schumann rate is the base frequency for 'Theta' Brainwaves, an important part of the evolution of Man. The Nexus zapper is no longer at the mercy of the tolerance level of the components. A change in the circuit topology that now causes the current to activate the crystals within the zapper. The electric signal now runs through the Orgone chip, whereas before there was an assumption that is performing in that manner. The electric current is now penetrating into the cells rather than moving across the surface. The light will turn on with proper skin contact, there is no longer any button to turn the zapper on or off. Moisture is needed for the device to work properly, sweat, water or a mineral solution will work just fine. The Orgone Nexus Zapper retains the two crystals, amethyst, and Garnet. The rare earth magnet, Mobius coil and faraday loop from the Orgone Zapper.
Let us talk a little more about the Faraday loop and the Mobius coil. A Faraday cage is a term that most people have heard of. It is a metal box or enclosed room with metal screening that blocks out all external electromagnetic influences. Think like a, Wi-fi signal, affecting your sleep state or even your thoughts. Brainwave patterns exist within the electromagnetic spectrum. We are continually externally influenced by electromagnetic thought forms; this is the essence of all mind control technologies; this is the essence of existence entanglement of consciousness..The Faraday loop helps block out those external influences within the zapper. Now, the Mobius coil is an extension of the Faraday loop in that it blocks out negative influences but from a higher dimensional plane. A Mobius coil folds space and time. As the electric current flows through the circuitry, any parasitic influences are purged by the Mobius coil, because the current moves through zero point to come out the other side. It acts as the ultimate filtration system that will block the Archonic influence.
Exotic Orgone Chip: Archon Busting
The Orgone Chip in the Nexus Zapper is what defines the purpose of this technology. I basically designed the Orgone chip as if it was an alchemical elixir. Each element is there for a reason to achieve the goal of eliminating the Archonic attachments that infect our thoughts beyond the level of the conscious mind. Original Sin is in the source code of our genetic makeup. These Archonic attachments are deep trauma-based experiences that carry forward after Death as a Soul Imprint. The Trauma experience originates back to the Garden of Eden and the period where the Fallen Angels were mating with the human race producing the Giants. We generally see the Giants as Myths rather than a part of our Genetic memory. The trauma was so great that it was impossible to remove the Brand from the Fallen Angels after Death. This brand has kept us in Bondage for thousands of years and is the purpose of the Messiah project. The role of the Messiah is DNA correction or the removal of the Fallen Angel brand in humans. It takes a God-Man to fix the problem created by other God-Men. The re-insertion of the perfected Adamic genome was needed to eventually correct the damage within the entire human genome. This process has been ongoing subtlely for thousands of years.
The Archons are the controllers of the matrix, since the fall from the Garden of Eden. They are mind parasites that exist within the aura itself and the glands--the gateways to the non-physical world.
Removal of the Archonic influence is the end game for collapsing the false matrix and ushering in, Heaven on Earth. Heaven comes to Earth, we do not go anywhere. We exist within a vibrational prison
as David Icke would call it...
The Eureka moment in the design of the Orgone chip was including a substance that will remain a secret. The Bible calls it the Stone from Heaven. I pulled from other myths, and a few movies as well to understand better the true purpose of this substance. The mysterious stone is an antidote for the Archon infection. However to be effective as an Anti-dote there needed to be a mechanism to drive the frequency from the antidote directly into the Aura. The original Zapper was simply not designed correctly to drive the energetic signature deep enough into the recesses of the auric field. I understood
this towards the end of the development of the Orgone Nexus Zapper.
I believe the Orgone Nexus Zapper was created to remove the Archonic influence from our genetic code, including the interface with the soul itself. This is the trap with the re-incarnational cycle is the Archons have the ability to virtual reality mind constructs that extend beyond death. We are witnessing right now the collapse of the false timelines as a result of the systemic removal of Sin within the genetic code of Man. The Mandela Effect is the collapse of False realities that is revealing the True world that remains hidden underneath.
Orgone and Electricity Usage:
Reduce your electric bills by 20-30%!!