Orgone Energy Chips

We are on the road to free energy that is almost a given at this point from the hydrogen car to zero point energy machines, Tesla wireless technology and even spray-on solar panels. Yes, Your T-shirt or G-string has the capacity to generate power in many ways…
What to do in the interiem between 5-10 years before these products become viable on a commercial level? Well, there is always ethanol, Hemp would be best but Switchgrass is a nice alternative. Switchgrass can be ground on un-arable land and fed to cattle in addition to being used as a fuel source which is 5X more efficient than corn oil. Then there is Orgone, is it a technology or a Pet Rock as my Mother aptly named my little creations. Wilhelm Reich thought so, a psychiatrist and natural scientist who discovered the concept of Orgone is his lab when a metal bar fell into a bucket containing some form of carbon-based matter. Reich noticed that there was a blue glow that emanated from the bucket that he eventually called Orgone or life force energy. Dr. Reich later went on to develop Orgone cloud-buster technology to regulate the weather patterns; mostly to bring rain to arid regions.
Orgone chips are simply a reduction of the Orgone cloud-buster technology with a slight modification with the introduction of crystals into the Orgone. Orgone is simply a mixture of Oil-based resin and various kinds of metal; Reich used steel wool in his cloudbusters, he also said as a warning to not use Aluminum since it would attract DOR or Negative Life Force energy. Sadly a large contingent of Orgone practitioners started to use aluminum probably because it was cheap and accessible, they concluded erroneously that by adding crystals into the mix that the Aluminum became safe and that the energy phenomena that they were experiencing was good. Aluminum based Orgone creations become dead very quickly due to the addition of the aluminum into the mix. Very few people it seems have bothered to read Reich’s original works and take there knowledge second-hand from the internet.
Later on after studying Dan Winter works on Sacred Geometry and High resonance, I started to incorporate other metals into Orgone such as Copper, Silver, Zinc and mono-atomic Gold. These metals refract a different portion of the Cosmic Sea, Aether or Chi, the Orgone is subsequently able to hold a higher life force vibration. Sort of think of it like a wind catching a sail, different frequencies have different potentials. The Orgone chips when they are placed around electrical appliances, power strips, and electrical meters will polarize the current. That is less energy will be lost due to heat or friction; coherence of the electrical impulse is brought across the length of the wire. The end result being more energy actually ends up being used
by the appliance, typically 90% is lost so the potential for savings are substantial. Early results from a homegrown experiment run by Orgoneproducts have netted savings of 25-40% in one case. The more Orgone one has in the home the better the results will be in regards to energy savings With Oil shooting at $110 per barrel and Gold over a $1000, drastic measures need to be taken to prevent the fall of America into Third World Nation status. You can purchase chips here. Orgone Chips