I have a Testimonial from a customer that recently purchased an Orgone Chembuster. The testimonial is so powerful it has caused me to re-think what is occurring with the use of Orgone. I am going to release the testimonial with minimal editing. I never solicit testimonials because I don’t like to lead the witness. Below is the testimonial.

Hi Kevin,

I’ve had my cloudbuster for about 3 weeks now and I’m genuinely blown away. I have confirmed clear blue skies full of my favorite big puffy clouds that look like God smudged them onto the sky with His thumb personally. From high points, I can see for who knows how many miles clearly in every direction. I can see up who knows how far. The rare instance where we can see chemtrail attempts, they are defeated almost immediately. Whatever altitude they’re flying at – from our perspective, their trails are 1-2” gauging with a tape measure from ground level, and then are immediately gone. The crosshatching in our skies is completely removed as a result. Like I said, amazingly clear blue skies with big puffy clouds so perfect they appear to be drawn on the sky. In our case, we have confirmed this effect for 70 miles in every direction, PLUS the unknown distance we can see beyond there.

  1. This effect was noticed immediately even though the device was delivered to my basement without my knowledge. I hadn’t checked my email for a few days. We had been commenting on the amazing skies in our area for days before I realized the device had been delivered. I still have not opened the box and laid eyes on it. If it’s able to have this level of effect without taking it out of the box, is there any reason to move it from where it sits right now?
  2. If the device is this effective in the box, in the basement, is there any reason to ever move it from where it sits?
  3. If it’s perfect where it is, what about maintenance? I read that maintenance was minimal to begin with, simply rinsing it off once a month or so with a hose… It would stand to reason that whatever would get on it outside and need to be rinsed off won’t if it’s inside my basement still in the box.
  4. There is an electricity plant near-ish to us. When we travel west, we always pass it. Since having the device, we have done so twice. Once the plant was off, once it was on. The time it was on, the exhaust leaving the smokestacks was *TINY* compared to what it would normally be. There is a ridge between our home and the plant that is about 500’ change in elevation. Before the device, we could see the exhaust off the smokestacks from that plant. Until driving past and seeing the teeny tiny plumes of exhaust we hadn’t realized that we hadn’t seen them in weeks. Does the device have an effect on that as well? It would seem so based on my experience.
  5. Sunlight has been indescribable since I received the device. I can only describe it by saying that it appears the sun has zero inhibition in reaching EVERYTHING in our bubble. As a result, the colors of EVERYTHING seem extremely vibrant compared to what they had been. We have also noticed that farmers in our area have already reaped a first crop of wheat and corn, which normally doesn’t happen until later in July, giving them the opportunity to reap twice in one season. Based on the timing, these farms are going to have THREE opportunities this year. Just a coincidence, or has the device cleared the skies, allowing more sunlight to reach crops, and ultimately producing way better (normal) yields? Not trying to give the device undue appreciation, but what a hell of a coincidence.
  6. Rainfall has been unseasonable to say the least around here. We haven’t had flooding or anything like that… just consistent, healthy rainfall that is unusual. For years we’ve just gotten our spring showers and then it’s been mostly dry. This year we had our spring showers with the addition of consistent and timely rain. Just enough to provide everything with water without the need for irrigation, no floods or runoffs. Although we did get ONE weird storm that blew through and dumped a bunch of hail. Can this be an effect from the device, or simply a coincidence? Our tiny farm is LOVING IT.
  7. Are these effects amplified by multiple units within a space? If so… wow… If every farm in our sphere had one, we could become an agricultural powerhouse over-night.

 The mere presence of this device has seemingly restored the skies, given us more sun, and given us more reliable summer rains than we have had in at least a decade – while also muting the exhaust from the nearby power plant. Absolutely amazing!
Orgone Chembusters will regulate weather patterns including the really hot spots you see in Europe and across the United States, New York City where I live has very stable weather patterns and pretty much minimal Chemtrail activity for the Modern-day version of Pergamum. I do not have any Chembusters outdoors in NYC, but apparently, it is not necessary which is surprising to me.
The second product Miracle Miles is a gas additive to increase Gas Mileage and Engine performance. I started testing the product in 2008, but since I do not have a car, it soon became out of sound and out of mind, I moved on to other products and never finished the testing phase. Recently, a friend of mine has been using Miracle Miles in his car for the last month, I ended up driving back from Montauk, New York to Manhattan, the car had incredible power and the ride was extremely smooth. We went to a local beach several more times and everyone fell soundly asleep on the drive back.
In 2008, I tested Miracle Miles in a van with 8 people on a trip to St. Paul Minnesota, looking back that was probably one of the best times of my life, I met an extraordinary amount of people everywhere and had a good time with everyone. It was so good that I thought about moving to Minnesota, like why am I staying in New York? At one point, I met Former, New York Governor George Pataki literally in the middle of the road in St Paul Minnesota walking across the street. When I got back the Synchronicities continued as I met George Pataki’s sister through another friend of mine who happens to live in my apartment complex. On a trip to Sunken Meadow State Park we encountered a cash horde of Andrew Jackson $20 Bills scattered across the road and a large dead raccoon. When I got back, I met with my bank manager named Jackson who was talking about the same friend that introduced me to George Pataki’s sister.
There was another report of a time anomaly with another friend of mine who was using Miracle Miles.  At this point, I shifted my focus from the gas savings and engine performance to the synchronistic experiences associated with the use of Miracle Miles.  I began to formulate theidea that Miracle Miles is actually making true synchronistic connections through time via combustion within the car, that we can pull in the future from the present. It says in the Bible that God knows the End first then the Beginning, rather than look back on the past we should be firmly planted in the future as a positive projection of our ideal path which up to this point has been very difficult to do. The key I believe is the movement through time and space that we can tap into the moment that feels like the speed force or the miraculous power of Elijah to bring the fire from Heaven. It is now possible to turn the car into a healing chamber and open doors to the new world. There are many things I am not willing to put in print, but if you want to converse more in-depth on some topics I am more than happy to chit-chat a bit.