DNA has Telepathic Properties- New Age Myths becoming the New Science

DNA has been found to have a bizarre ability to put itself together, even at a distance, when according to known science it shouldn’t be able to. Explanation: None, at least not yet.

Scientists are reporting evidence that contrary to our current beliefs about what is possible, intact double-stranded DNA has the “amazing” ability to recognize similarities in other DNA strands from a distance. Somehow they are able to identify one another, and the tiny bits of genetic material tend to congregate with similar DNA. The recognition of similar sequences in DNA’s chemical subunits, occurs in a way unrecognized by science. There is no known reason why the DNA is able to combine the way it does, and from a current theoretical standpoint this feat should be chemically impossible.

Even so, the research published in ACS’ Journal of Physical Chemistry B, shows very clearly that homology recognition between sequences of several hundred nucleotides occurs without physical contact or presence of proteins. Double helixes of DNA can recognize matching molecules from a distance and then gather together, all seemingly without help from any other molecules or chemical signals.

In the study, scientists observed the behavior of fluorescently tagged DNA strands placed in water that contained no proteins or other material that could interfere with the experiment. Strands with identical nucleotide sequences were about twice as likely to gather together as DNA strands with different sequences. No one knows how individual DNA strands could possibly be communicating in this way, yet somehow they do. The “telepathic” effect is a source of wonder and amazement for scientists.

“Amazingly, the forces responsible for the sequence recognition can reach across more than one nanometer of water separating the surfaces of the nearest neighbor DNA,” said the authors Geoff S. Baldwin, Sergey Leikin, John M. Seddon, and Alexei A. Kornyshev and colleagues.

This recognition effect may help increase the accuracy and efficiency of the homologous recombination of genes, which is a process responsible for DNA repair, evolution, and genetic diversity. The new findings may also shed light on ways to avoid recombination errors, which are factors in cancer, aging, and other health issues. Source.

The implications are astounding, New Age channels such as Barbara Marciniak author of Bringers of the Dawn and Lee Carroll, the Kryon books have been preaching for years that Humans are being genetically re-arranged with energies from God and off-planet aliens. According to the mythos, Humans were genetically re-wired from 12 stranded DNA down to 2. We are essentially a slave species for Reptilian Aliens. The two stranded humans have been programmed for basic survival and reproduction. Our lives have been reduced from over 1000 years to the current 80-100. Our higher spiritual and psychic functions have been essentially shut off. Science says we have 90% of our DNA is junk. What if it has been electromagnetically dis-assembled by our Reptilian Masters? Russian studies have essentially said that DNA is programmed by language. Our whole collective unconcious is the programming for our genetics.
Telepathically our DNA has been controlled and Telepathically it can be freed. Life extension is right around the corner. The solutions for evolving our DNA will be found in Electro-magnetic technologies such as the Dotto Ring, transference of energy directly into the DNA will activate and re-assemble our genetics according to the strenght of our will and the faith in our hearts. Becoming holy or genetically complete is a function of combing the mind with the will. Love with knowledge leads to self-empowerment. The Beatles song is correct “All you need is Love”, to genetically re-wire your DNA.
An Update from the Original post, I found a radionic healer that had invented what he calls a Bio-etheric machine that removes Karma and negative energy. Since I have been on the machine since July; my life has accelerated dramatically. Financially my earnings have doubled, even in the New Great Depression we are experiencing. On a relationship basis, I have a new crop of women in my life, who are what I would consider my “Dream girl”. There are about three to pick from, in fact most of the “problems” in my life are of the Luxury kind. I have too many choices as opposed to two few. The claims that the machine remove negativity are correct, I rarely get down or experience depressive moments anymore. My physical body has increased it’s muscle mass of about 8 pounds, which is one of the un-stated claims for the machine. I no longer push other people’s buttons with an overly aggressive personality, I seem to float through people’s lives, while they bend over backwards to help me out. Real Weird, the removal of negativity allows intuition to take over without the interference of the ego and sub-concious. Self-sabotage behaviour dropped out completely after 60 days on the machine. The inventor Bill kirkland has a site called, AscensionEnergyprogram.com that is a monthly program for $95. It is different from all the energetic-balancing program in that it does not treat disease, but increases the energy within the Auric field.

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